Native Wildflower Mixture

Native Wildflower Mixture

This custom mixture of wildflowers is made up of species that are specifically native to our area in the Midwest. The mixture is comprised of approximately 75% Perennials, 15% Annuals, 5% Bi-annuals and 5% Low Growing Annuals for first year color. The majority of the perennials need two to three years to bloom.

Blue Flax8.5%
Annual Low Growing Flower Mixture7.5%
Indian Blanket7.5%
Partridge Pea7.5%
Purple Coneflower7.5%
Black-eyed Susan6.5%
Plains Coreopsis6.3%
Purple Prairie Clover5%
Upright Prairie Coneflower5%
Greyhead Pr. Coneflower4.5%
False Sunflower3.5%
Pale Purple Coneflower3.5%
Lanceleaf Coreopsis3.15%
Illinois Bundleflower3%
Mexican Red Hat3%
Prarie Sage2.5%
Lead Plant1.75%
Shasta Daisy1.75%
Foxglove Beardtongue1.5%
Maximillian Prairie Sunflower1.5%
Wild Bergamot1.25%
Prairie Blazingstar0.75%
White Prairie Clover0.75%
White Yarrow0.8%
New England Aster0.5%


Seeding Rate: 16-32 lbs per Acre
